Discovering Moses: Session 1
Discovering Moses - Men's Bible Study learning how to be leaders the way the LORD taught Moshe.
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Messianic Perspectives: The Lord's Appointed Times
Appointed times and 'Christians' If you identify yourself as a follower of Christ (Messiah) then are you commanded to celebrate His appointed times? The answer is found in the encouragement of the Apostle Paul: "So I ask, did they [Jewish people] stumble in order that they might fall? By no means! Rather through their trespass salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel jealous. " (Romans 11:11 ESV) (emphasis added) While believing Gentiles are grafted into the Jewish olive tree, are they to reject everything Jewish? According to Paul's reasoning, it must be quite the contrary. A Gentile's calling is to make Israel jealous. How can they make Israel jealous by denying G-d's very Word?
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